Open Access Rights Management

All open access articles will be published under either the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) or the Creative Commons Attribution, NonCommercial, No Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND).

CC BY and CC BY-NC-ND allow authors to retain copyright of their article and permit a very broad range of reuse. Under CC BY, reuse for commercial purposes or to create derivative works is permitted, whereas under CC BY-NC-ND, reuse cannot be for commercial purposes or change the work in any way.  Under the CC BY licenses, authors are responsible for protecting their content from possible abuses such as infringement and plagiarism.

Note that publishing open access requires payment of an open access article processing charge.

Open Access Article Processing Charges

IEEE offers three options for open access (OA) journal publishing.

  1. Hybrid journals are traditional subscription journals that accept OA content. Over 100 IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Letters offer hybrid publication. The article processing charge for publishing in a hybrid journal can be found by referring to the current IEEE Article Processing Charges List for the most up-to-date prices. Some hybrid journals may charge additional fees such as overlength fees; see the author instructions of the individual journal for specific details. 
  2. Topical journals are fully open access journals that are dedicated to a specific subject area.  Article processing charges for publishing in a topical journal can be found by referring to the current IEEE Article Processing Charges List for the most up-to-date prices. Some topical journals may charge additional fees such as overlength fees; see the author instructions of the individual journal for specific details.
  3. IEEE Access is a multidisciplinary, fully open access journal that covers all of IEEE’s fields of interest. The article processing charge for publishing in IEEE Access can be found by referring to the current IEEE Article Processing Charges List for the most up-to-date prices.

IEEE Low and Lower-Middle Income Country Open Access Discount Program

All IEEE gold open access journals participate in the low and lower-middle income country discount program. Authors located in lower-middle-income countries are eligible for a discount ranging from 25% to 50%, while authors located in low-income countries are eligible for a 100% waiver. Visit the IEEE Open site for details about these discounts.