How to Review Your Article Proof

An article proof shows you what your article will look like in a print or online publication.

Use the IEEE Author Gateway to review and approve your article proof.

  1. Click “Download and review article PDF” button on the “Article Detail – In Progress” page to download the proof.
  2. Indicate any changes to the proof by annotating the PDF. Be sure to include the membership status and progressive years of membership grades for authors who are IEEE members.
  3. Click “Upload final corrections” to upload your corrected proof, including any other files such as revised graphics. Zip or compress multiple files into a single upload.

If you receive your article proof PDF as an email attachment, simply download, annotate, and email it back to your IEEE Journals Production Manager (JPM). If you are unable to annotate the PDF file, you can still email corrections to your JPM through one of the following methods.

Please note that the JPM cannot accept a new version of the article. All corrections must be submitted through one of the above methods.

Corrections on graphics

If changes are required on any graphics, supply a replacement image file electronically in one of the following preferred formats: PS, EPS, PNG, or TIF. Line art TIF images must be 600 dpi and 1 bit per pixel. Grayscale and photo TIF images must be 300 dpi and 8 bits per pixel. IEEE will not make edits to previously submitted graphics files.

Providing keywords

If you did not include keywords with your article, please provide them during the proof stage. For best results, define any abbreviations and, where possible, strive to use standardized keywords. IEEE’s list of suggested keywords will help you find the best keywords to fit your article.