Tools for IEEE Authors

Find out how easy it can be to quickly prepare your article for submission with help from IEEE Author Tools.

About IEEE Collabratec

Streamline your authoring process. IEEE Collabratec is a cloud-based hub for scholarly collaboration—integrating authoring and productivity tools with a global community dedicated to technology professionals.

Discover what IEEE Collabratec can do for you.

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About the Overleaf Authoring Tool

Writing in LaTeX has never been easier with Overleaf, an online collaborative LaTeX and rich text authoring tool. 

With Overleaf you can do the following:

Connecting to Overleaf with IEEE Collabratec

  1. To get Overleaf access in Collabratec, go to Settings in the top menu bar and, in the dropdown menu, choose Attached Services.
  2. In the list of Services to Connect, scroll down to Overleaf, click + Connect, and then Add.
  3. Sign into Overleaf. In the Attached Services section of Collabratec you can now see that Overleaf is connected to your account.

New to LaTeX? Get started with the free online course “Introduction to LaTeX” offered by Dr. John Lees-Miller from Overleaf.

Overleaf and LaTeX resources are available online for both beginners and advanced users. Choose from a variety of quick guides, tutorials, webinars, and detailed documentation based upon your individual needs and level of expertise. 

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You should get credit for your work. That is why IEEE journals require an ORCID for all authors who publish with us.

Get full credit for your research with an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), a unique and persistent identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. It will connect you with your research throughout your career.

IEEE journals require an ORCID for all authors. You will need a registered ORCID in order to submit your article for peer review, as well as to review your article proof once accepted for publication.

ORCID registration is free and only takes a minute. Please note that ORCIDs cannot be added to articles after the article proof has been reviewed by the corresponding author.

Watch a short video for more information on ORCID.

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About Sharing Your Data and Code

Increase the impact of your work. Share your data and code for others to view, build upon, and reuse. 

Benefits to sharing your data and code include the following.


IEEE DataPort™ is an easily accessible repository of datasets developed by IEEE. Authors can use it to store datasets, access datasets, and manage datasets associated with funded research. 

IEEE DataPort is designed to make uploading and storage of datasets up to 2TB easy for authors. Authors can upload standard (i.e., non-Open Access) datasets for free at IEEE DataPort.  Each dataset is provided with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) so it is always referenceable. 

IEEE DataPort is fully integrated with IEEE Xplore and will include a link to the dataset so readers will be able to obtain more details about your research. 

More information about IEEE DataPort is found below.

IEEE also recommends figshareZenodo, and Dryad as alternative data repositories.


Code Ocean is a cloud-based computational reproducibility platform that allows code to be stored, shared, and run in the cloud. Anyone can run code posted to Code Ocean, modify it, and test the modifications, without changing the original code. 

When uploading to Code Ocean, you will be asked to create a “compute capsule”. The compute capsule creates a home for the code to live in and is the key to having your code work for everyone who runs it from Code Ocean.

Authors who have published with IEEE in the past five years can upload their code to Code Ocean and link it to the article published in IEEE Xplore. Articles with linked code have a Code & Datasets tab where readers can run the code without installing or downloading anything.

Follow these steps to upload your code and link it to your IEEE Xplore article.